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Old 29th February 2016, 05:52 PM   #8
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Thanks for the images Colin, that's what I suspected it would be. Interesting to see this mount style making it this far into West Africa, it's not a particularly common feature really in swords and the takouba seems to be a pretty unique case of it normally.

Regarding the blade, I agree with Jim, having handle, I guess it's getting up to at least a couple dozen at this point, of this same style and type, I have only found a few I thought were European. This one is of a pattern I recognize and I think is a locally made item from Kano or one of the Hausa states. Exported to a wide region by the Hausa merchant network.

Jim, I don't think the steel was galvanized, particularly as I think these Hausa ones with some ages are likely made from local ore. Once the imported steel was easily at hand you tend to see ground fullers, these look forged to me.

All in all an intriguing and quite unique example!
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