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Old 29th February 2016, 11:23 AM   #14
mrcjgscott's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Well there you have it... Dating artefacts that have been in deep storage or just sitting being an exhibit is really hard... armed with those facts and vectoring in those details makes it much more accurate to deduce...The weapon is at least 100 years old. It has probable repairs to the hilt in the shape of those non silver rings... thus 100 plus say 20 years added for the repair time scale ...add on 10 years = 130 YEARS OLD.... which is quite old for a Khanjar... Replacing parts is completely normal...again making age guestimates almost impossible...Old blades are often re used time and again... as are Rhino Hilts.

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Thank you Ibrahiim,

Dating most things can be difficult merely from photographs I find, so thank you for the revised date estimate. That would seem to fit in with what I have learned about the dagger.

It would seem "Khanjar" share many characteristics with other traditional regional knives, such as long use, reuse of good old blades and repair of parts to keep them in service, etc.

When things like that are broken down, it seems that most people really weren't too different, despite geographic contrast.

All the best, and thanks again.

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