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Old 28th February 2016, 06:21 AM   #6
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Yeah, it was a bit different then to now.

1966 I stayed one night in a hotel, then I stayed with a family for a week or so --- this was not a home-stay, just a bloke who worked at the hotel who wanted to improve his English, I got accommodation in exchange for English conversation. Kuta was gravel roads, the beach was little sandhills, tussock grass, and palm trees to the waters edge. Much of the specialist service industry was not driven by money at all, but rather by mutual benefit, the butterflies were amateurs, not professionals.

right through to about 1976 you could ride a bicycle from Kuta into Den Pasar without fear of death or injury: I wouldn't do it now for a bet. There were motor vehicles, but not a lot and they were mixed in with horse drawn vehicles.

I reckon that maybe the last good year in Bali was 1982, after that development just exploded.

The Old Bali still does exist in pockets where there are no tourists and no people from Jawa and other places, but you need to to get well off the beaten track to find those places.
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