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Old 22nd January 2006, 01:09 PM   #30
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The pictures below are both from Spunjer's old posts, I apologize for not asking permission first and I hope he won't mind.
nah, don't worry about it manolo, lol. post on, bro. i don't get too sensitive on petty stuff like that. if i didn't wanna share it, then i don't have any business posting it on the 'net.

here's another tidbit:
i had a custom binangon made the last time i was in P.I. for the handle design, i requested the knob style. panday's reaction was, "oh, the chicken gizzard!" i asked, well isn't that suppose to be a stylized 'naga' head? he laughed and told me, "son, where did you ever got that stupid idea from?"
but then again, this is just one panday's opinion...
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