Salaams All, The designed name ...and continuation of it Assad Allah were used in honour of the person in Persian Lore...and History which is why no detailed history exists of the sword maker with that name...there wasnt one! The story of the helmet is purely mythical and an invention around one of the names. As outlined above these names were placed in honour of the sword quality and as a mark of that quality.
I am amazed it has created such a fuss...and one member even throws down his pen (is that not the same as throwing down ones sword?

) although as with all things if someone wishes to compile a data sheet showing the names as real persons I would be pleased to read it. Meanwhile for those wishing to observe the full weighing up of this apparent conundrum please look at and note ~ if it does not appear it may be accessed at the right side under recent blogs..;
It is in this publication by Oliver Pinchot that the whole 9 yards is delivered... You only need to read it.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.