Thread: Long yatagan
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Old 21st February 2016, 06:07 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Emanuel
Thank you Eric.
The majority of these seem to be mid-late-19th century though.
We don't have much to go on for earlier accoutrements and weaponry.
Emanuel, actually I was hoping that someone could translate what was written about these zeybek postcards, maybe there is some additional info as to their authenticity etc. As for early info, that seems to be rather scarce, there is some reference to a Zeybek revolt in 1829 but other than some short remarks it seems that they did not get much early written attention until they started to be used as an irregular armed suppliment to the Ottoman/Turkish military. Their involvement in certain regional military conflicts has been noted but as far as any detailed examination of their origins and weapons etc I have not seen that.

Another problem is that there are many different versions of their name, you have Zeybek, Zeibek, Ziebek, Zeybeck, Zeibeck, Ziebeck, in addition they have been lumped into the term "bashi bazouk" and while some Zeybek were bashi bazouk, there were many other groups and segments of Ottoman society who were also bashi bazouk. Unless a discussion of bashi bazouk specifically mentioned Zeybek or included an image or costume description it is impossible to know exactly who was being called a bashi bazouk.
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