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Old 20th January 2006, 06:44 PM   #10
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Talking My first Visayan sword

It seems that dragons are divided into 3 main groups, those who slither (snake like), those with legs and those with wings.

They seem to be associated with water, caves and "deep, dark" forest.

Similarities between dragons (worldwide), scales, horns, teeth, a general reptile like appearance, claws (if they have feet) and sometimes wings. One can see why the "dinosaur bones" explanation was used to answer the origin of the myths.

The only issue I have with the dinosaur fossil connection, 1) the rarity of dinosaur fossil skulls (when was the last time you were wandering around an found one?) 2) how about finding the even more rare intact dinosaur skeleton 3) even modern scientist can not fully agree on what a living animal would have looked like after piecing all the bones together. The exact shape and color???? It's only an educated guess from known modern animal anatomy. And yet we are to believe that 1000 to 4000 years ago, they had this working knowledge of dinosaur anatomy? If true, then the origin of that knowledge sounds more interesting than dragons do.

People who’s survival depends on being able to identify things and animals around them... once they identify an animal such as a croc, they know it is a croc. They may make stories up about it, but it still is a croc. The Tibetans have a mythical croc that is portrayed on the phurpa. It did not become a dragon. I think this is a western mindset to think that these people were "uneducated" and are simply misidentifying known creatures. I think we need to be more open minded. I would have to disagree that worldwide, these people are lacking in smarts.... but I really did not start this thread to debate the existence of dragons or possible dragon origins.

I got started on this thread when I purchased my first Visayan sword... a Sanduko. A real beauty!!!!

Looking at the different Bakunawas on these deity hilts, I started to wonder why it is Bakunawa has a long horn or a short horn? The meaning of the four pedal flower? Being a deity, the must be stories about Bakunawa, deeds, travels, importance (after all, Bakunawa is on a lot of swords) and so on.

But all dragon stories are welcome!!!!!
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