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Old 14th February 2016, 06:30 PM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by stenoyab
Heres the photos of mine, I also found photos of another near twin to yours with the same style lockplate sold via auction, it also had wire bound barrel and the extra wood butt.
Hi Jeff.
WOW!! Thanks for posting your Algerian gun. Yes, that's what the butt caps typically look like. Your front sling ring is atteched exactly like mine. Is that wire or cord wrap on yours?

Now, your gun is super interesting, especially the LOCK !!! That lock is styled exactly like a late 17th century Portuguese lock. Very Cool !!!! Only the second one I've ever seen with this lock style. And the other one was also mounted on an Algerian gun. The Portuguese locks were styled somewhat like the Spanish miquelet locks, but mounted the mainsprings internally rather than externally on the lockplates. And the "dog" style saftey positioned in front of the hammer instead of behind the hammer as most European locks. I'm almost sure that's a Potuguese lock that was locally decorated. Very, very neat. Thanks for posting this one. Very jealous. Wish I owned it. LOL

An interesting side note about your lock: During the late 1800's and early 1900's there were a large quantity of crudely made copies of this lock that were made (in Belgium I think) for slae/trade to the natives in SOUTH Africa. Here's a pic of one that I own. Except for the crudeness, note the similarities. Took a bit of work for my gunsmith to get this thing to work right. LOL.

But your's looks like the real thing. That lock looks so good on your gun!!!
Thanks for the extra butt stock pics. It will help my gunsmith making a new one.

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