Originally Posted by Tony PP
Hello, Looks like you have a bit of work to do but worth it I think. You wrote that the hammer screw held the hammer and tumbler , true but missing from that lock is the bridle that fits the other end of the tumbler. Held in place with screw where you have holes in the top of the lock plate and by another screw going through the trigger sear. Looks like somebody has shortened your sear screw when the bridle was lost/ broken. Have fun.
Hi Tony.
You are so right. The bridle is missing, and you can see where it originally resided. It looks like the lock was being used without the bridle. Which would be the likely reason for the stripped threads in the tumbler hole and hammer screw, with the excess stress put on both. Between myself and my gunsmith, we may have and/or can locate a bridle that can be fitted. Otherwise, a new one will have to be made.

Thanks for your comments.