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Old 14th February 2016, 05:36 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by archaeologist
Fun project and I may ask for some advice on my own, but first I wanted to raise a question for all. I haven't yet read enough of the forum to know how much it is discussed.

When you do an extensive restoration like this, how do you document it for the next owner? (None of us lasts as long as the guns can.) So it doesn't become a misleading piece of evidence for studying these things.

Hi John.

What a great question. In my case, each of my guns has a number and a corresponding page number I keep in a ring binder. This makes it easier to update when changes occur or new information is found. I list the general I.D. of the gun, area and approximate period of manufacture, and any restoration, alterations, etc. that have been done. And a realistic "street" value. I do the same with accessories such as powder horns/flasks, etc.
That way, should something happen to me, or otherwise have to sell the collection, there is accurate documentation on each piece, with an approximate value.
I believe this is especially important to do with Ethno firearms. I have found that most of the Dealers and Collectors of antique guns - especially in the USA - while having a vast knowledge of American and European guns, have little if any knowledge of these Ethno guns. There is simply not the volumn of collectors for these guns. Hope this helps.
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