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Old 13th February 2016, 09:16 PM   #6
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Well, I was able to get the lock back together and in working order. The mainspring is still good. Two problems: 1. The threads on the hammer screw are partially stripped. And possibly the threads in the hole of the tumbler. The hammer screw not only holds the hammer on, but also holds the tumbler firm against the inside of the lockplate. So the tumbler may have to be drilled out and new re-threaded with a new hammer screw. 2. The upper half of the hammer is bent. So it won't hit the frizzen correctly. So the hammer will have to be heated and bent to correct this. You can see this in the photos. The flint shown in the photo has an uneven flat bottom, so it makes the bent hammer look exagerated in the photo. But you see the problem.

A pic of an old, broken Algerian stock from my parts bin. I can use the brass butt plate off this one to restore the other.

This gun will take a bit more work then I expected. DARN.
We'll see how it turns out. And I'll re-post.
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