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Old 8th February 2016, 01:08 PM   #9
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I finally got a chance to start this lovely book this past weekend, and now can agree with the high recommendations. It's scholarly, yet very readable, and loaded with info that will benefit the collector especially in differentiating the artistic and design styles of the various regions of the Caucasus.

I appreciated that the the book also notes, rather specifically, when styles and designs changed over the course of time, and when new ideas, blades types, and artistic styles were introduced to certain regions.

Mr. Rivkin even tackles the use of sword terms like "kilij" and "shamshir" which are debated regularly on this forum, and puts their use in historical perspective.

I have really enjoyed the work. It combines a very enjoyable text with scholarship and research and joins both with lovely pics. Mr. Rivkin, even goes so far as to humbly admit he is not the last word on the the topic and he may have even made mistakes. I find this modest approach to such a lovely volume very appealing.

My only complaint about the book is with its binding/cover which is made of a material that seems to be a fingerprint magnet to even the slightest touch.

Great work, and highly recommended even if, like myself, Caucasian arms are not your chief area of interest!

Last edited by CharlesS; 9th February 2016 at 01:00 PM.
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