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Old 24th January 2016, 05:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hello all. Here is a new aquisition. I experienced a weak moment and just had to have this. LOL For now, I'm calling it Afghan since it exibits the typical style and accessories found on these belts. This is quite a neat belt with many accessories, a a couple surprises. I've taken all of the items off the belt to more easily describe and photograph each item. I'll re-attach all the items to the belt in what I think would be a likely manner, and take a couple additional photos with the belt and accessories together. Meantime, hope you enjoy. Here are a bunch of photos. Comments are most welcome. And thanks for looking.
Here is a list of the items:

1. Waist Belt. With unusual double tounge and engraved brass buckle.
2. What appears to be semi-armoured crouch protection (?) Decorated brass attached to heavy leather. Really curious about this item.
3.Main charge powder horn, with tilt-up leather spout, which looks like it originally had a slightly longer thumb piece. Made of horn, and still usable. A few granules of black powder were still in the horn.
4. Smaller priming flask with worn, carved decoration, with it's original leather stopper, and VERY COOL decorative leather suspension hanger. Brass buttons say: "Bombay Artillery". Might be war souveniers (?). A few granules of black powder were in this one also. Flask is still usable.
5. Powder measurer with ratten reinforcement and traces of red and green paint. Still usable.
6. Single brass belt hook. There have been discussions in the past as to the purpose of these hooks. Don't recall if it was ever resolved. Possible for just hanging general purpose items (?) Very decorative heavy brass.
7. Hand Steel. For flint and steel firemaking. Has a brass and long leather belt suspension. And even has it's own holster. VERY NEAT !!! Could still be used.
8.Single pocket pouch with decorative brass cover on the flap and ends. Pouch is usable. Inside the pouch was a bunched up piece of old unbleached linen. NEAT !!
9. Slightly smaller pouch with a double pocket inside with similar brass decoration on the flap and ends. Inside the pouch was another small amount of the same linen - and - a small piece of knapped flint, which was likely used with the steel for firemaking. I did not expect, nor was it advertised that there was anything inside the pouches. NICE SURPRISE FOR ME !!

The brass pieces need a bit of careful cleaning. And the leather needs a bit of preservative. I'll do this and re-assemble the belt and take some additional photos. Again, thanks for looking. Rick.
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