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Old 19th January 2016, 10:45 AM   #1
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Default Keris Palembang?

I have these two keris with the hilt and blade that look of the same type.
The blades of both are significantly thinner compared to other keris types like saras or any types with pamor and they feel light and rather delicate.

Can anyone tell me what type of blade is this? Someone mentioned it as Palembang (sumatera) but others place it as Javanese blade.

I was told that the hilt is Sumateran of Jawa demam style and most likely from marine ivory (instead of elephant) .

The wrangka are different for both keris, one being Javanese Ladrang style and the other Bugis (rather than Malay style which has similar shape of cross piece but more massive and without the pendok). so looks like at least one is a mix and match. I'm wondering which one is more genuine to the blade.

Thanks in advance for your comments and explanation.
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