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Old 19th January 2016, 01:14 AM   #5
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Well I can attest to it's functionality to some degree. It is very solid (except for that rattling disc, but that doesn't seem to effect the whole of the fit). The blade has good memory as well. There is a very slight distal taper in addition to the fuller (which I think besides the hardness is contributing a little to that but not very much). It didn't come to me sharp though. It had an edge, but that edge was dull with chips and folds, and it was not easy to bring the grind back to a state of good repair or sharpen it after, as the metal is rather hard. But even sharpened up it doesn't cut very well except right at the tip. It's only ground to cut for the top forth of the blade any way. But the center of percussion and degree of the arch vs. the length isn't quit right for efficient cutting. It thrusts wonderfully though (the depth of penetration is fairly impressive). I really think it was originally profiled more for the thrust primarily and tip cuts secondarily.
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