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Old 16th January 2016, 08:31 PM   #6
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Location: Chino, CA.
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Originally Posted by CharlesS
Thanks so much for sharing. This is one of the most unique Moro pieces I have seen in a long time! While I have seen hilt pommels with monster motifs, I have never seen one in that exact style. I think you have a "one of a kind" type hilt there.

I am curious about the way the grip cord is wrapped around the pommel. Why cover such lovely work? Can you tell if it has been that way a very long time, or perhaps, was done later?

Congrats on a great piece!
Look at the 3rd picture down again. There is sun bleaching/weathering that has only occurred between the gaps of the cord. Looks like the cord has shifted around a bit as well. In any case I'd wager it's been like that for a long time.

Could it be original? I am wondering about how that cord is secured at the blade base end. I can't quite tell from the pictures. But it looks like that knot might be tied through a hole or notch in the blade?

All speculation just based on what I can actually see of course...But, if the blade or fitting have an accommodation that looks like it is specifically for tying that cord onto...then taking with the color difference of where the cord does and does not touch. I would really suspect that it may be an original wrap.

Beautiful blade...But the eyebrow raising thing for me is definitely that cord job. would be very interested to know more about that part of it specifically.
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