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Old 12th January 2016, 06:46 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by batjka
This is a beautiful sword indeed, and I have learned a great deal from you gentlemen. Thank you for showing it and discussing it here.

As far as the use of this type of weapon, I have to disagree with the above-mentioned links. The treatise and the video are meant for a Montante, which was an Iberian phenomenon. The sword in question is a German two-hander and would have been handled quite differently. I believe that the German use would be close to the Lightenauer lineage than to the Spanish/Portuguese style.
yes you are absolutely right, although there is much overlap, this is absolutely not the right school for this sword.
nevertheless it is useful to give a visual impression of two-handed sword techniques.

According to Thomas Del Mar the sword can be Italian or German, out of interest what makes you think the sword is German?

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