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Old 12th January 2016, 05:17 PM   #45
EAAF Staff
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upstate New York, USA
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Thumbs up Very Nice Sword, Indeed

Just as a note for the benefit of some of the less experienced members and lurkers who may be following this thread: It is extremely difficult to impossible for even the most experienced connoisseur to make very fine distinctions from photos, even if excellent, especially at internet resolutions. It is hard enough with the actual item in hand. I should think the components of this marvelous sword have been together for some time, though my own level of expertise within this time frame is insufficient to form much of an opinion beyond that.

I have also enjoyed the opportunity of being exposed to the reasoning of participants in this thread that are more experienced than myself in evaluating such an item.

Dangerously generalizing, I have noticed that hilt components often do survive with a different patination than the blade even when there is confidence of the varying elements having started together.

Acid cleaning does give a 'dead' dull grey matte surface rarely pleasing to an observer. The 'cure' sometimes given is re-burnishing with loss of even more material and detail.

I believe that the sword shown at the top of the second page from Oakeshott's ROtMS was in his estate and is now at the Oakeshott Institute.
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