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Old 11th January 2016, 09:36 PM   #43
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I would just like to say that the object of discussion is to do exactly what has been achieved here. We have the benefit of the knowledge and hands on expertise of both Ulfberth and Jasper, and while opposed at first, bringing in better discernible evidence aligned those opinions .
In my opinion an excellent outcome ( and very happy for Jean Luc)!

Best of all, in following the opposing views as these things unfolded gave me (and I hope others) a valuable lesson in the metallurgical aspects of observing these old swords.

Differences in opinion should not be taken personally, especially here where there are so many variables and many (like me) are actually students in varying degree. I know I never stop learning!!!

Thank you guys! Jean Luc for sharing this, and Ulfberth and Jasper for bringing forth so many factors for consideration
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