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Old 11th January 2016, 04:30 PM   #39
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 409

Hi Jasper,

Why do you get so defensive if anyone questions you're “knowledge” ?

I can ask you the same kind of questions, like you said the sword was homogeneous and later on you say : the composition of the steel is never matching between blade and hilt.this is the case with virtually all the 16th century they are never "homogeneous"
Ask yourself this , is this really the goal of this forum ?

I gave my opinion based on the info at hand and I adjusted my opinion after new and more detailed information.
You give me the impression you are not satisfied.
Do I have a say in this?
Are you asking me or telling me?
So, what do I get out of this?”
Are you really expecting me Do what exactly ?

Kind regards

kind regards

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