Originally Posted by harrywagner
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help. I almost did not post this knife as I never considered it might be a fake. I am glad I did. I prefer to know what I have. The photos of the real deal are especially helpful. I tried to return this one but, like a bad penny, it came back. The good news is that it is the last item in my collection that I am not completely certain of. This group has been extremely patient with me. Thanks for that. I have been on the "fast track" with my collection. I did not start until I was already an old geezer, and made more than a few questionable purchases in an attempt to get some experience. I came to my senses a few months ago and have completely given up ePray. My new mantra is "buy only from dealers and other collectors". Thanks again. I very much appreciate the help.
Hey Harry,
Buy books, lots of books. And try to specialize. The more you specialize into one region (the Muslim world is vast and each region is different) the less fakes end up in your collection, you simply end up knowing all that is needed :-)