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Old 9th January 2016, 10:53 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default European blades in India

I found out a notable description of English traveller in India in 1750. About Marathas's sword:
"They are so curious in the blades, that they hold the European broad swords in great contempte, especially the common-sale ones, that are sent out by our ship. When the Derby, captain Anfell, was so scandalously taken by a few of Angria's grabs (Angria was admiral of Marathas's navy), whose marines are exactly the same as the Morattoes, and often some of their subjects; there fell into Angria's hands, among a great quantity of other valuable military stores, some chests of sword blades, on examing of wich Angria said, that the English swords were onli sit to cut butter with".
From "Voyage to the East India" by J.H.Grose.

I know that some European blades were used on the cane-swords. You can see a lot of such items on the court pictures (in profile, shield, tulwar and a cane-sword in the hand). Also when a lot of old European blades were delivered to India it was more easily to use for the common swords the old cheap blades. And such situation there was until second part of 19th (IMHO).
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