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Old 8th January 2016, 03:35 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Amuk, I am finding this thread very interesting, and I thank you for taking the time and effort to place this information before us.

I have only a slight interest in the weapons being discussed here, but I do have a very high level of interest in language and its use. Because of this, I am having some difficulty with some of the information you are presenting.

Could I impose upon you to identify the language, or languages that you are drawing upon for translation of the names you provide?

For instance, the word "nyaboer" (nyabur). Could you please advise what language you have drawn this word from for your translation?

In formal B.I. there are several words that could be identified as the root word for nyabur; in Javanese there is at least one word, probably more; in formal Malay there is at least one word, probably more

Perhaps you are not drawing upon any of these languages ?

Perhaps you are drawing upon a dialect, or some other mainstream language?

I really would appreciate it if you could clarify this matter for me.

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