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Old 7th January 2016, 03:30 AM   #1
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Location: Minneapolis,MN
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Default Two new (to me) Keris from Epray for comment

Hello All,

The midwinter Minnesota sun was compliant (enough) and I finally had a chance to take a few pics of two new acquisitions. Apologies for the quality of the pics, and the cat hair visible in the pics, I had 3 furry "helpers" while taking the photos.

The first keris is a "Dutch soldier's keris" from Madura. If I understand correctly, the style puts it somewhere between the late 19th century and WWII. I know these are a little touristy, but I still like them, particularly the ones like this, with a lion carved on the sampir. I also like that the woman on the figural hilt has what could be whiskers. Perhaps that's what attracted my furry "helpers." I also really enjoy the built in mendak and pendok.

The Wilah itself looks like it has some age, and could use an etching, something that I'm afraid is beyond me at present. there is some clear pattern welding present. The tip, well, looks a bit chewed up, and the edge is nicked in at least one place.

The second Keris looks to my (untrained) eye to be a keris from Java. The seller thought it might be mid 20th century, but who knows? The ukiran is in the in the Surakarta style, as is the Sampir, in the gayaman. I suspect the (brass?) pendok is a replacement, given how the top edge doesn't quite match up to the sampir, though maybe this could be due to some sort of climate based wood shrinkage? Occam's razor says replacement I think. Some of the wood inside the pendok is damaged near the tip.

I really love the wilah, especially the "topographic" finish. I think the pamor is ngulit semangka, but I'm not good at identifying such things. I don't know that I have the vocabulary at this point to describe the ricikan, except to say that in looking at my pics I see rust I'd previously missed. This has been subsequently taken care of.

Did I get the above right? Wrong? Please let me know! I look forward to any and all comments, corrections, and opinions!

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