Thread: The Vikings
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Old 6th January 2016, 07:44 PM   #10
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their armour was fantastic, as in fantasy, not as in accurate. looked like whatever they had in the prop room. the wurm people had fantasy weapons too.

ahmad 'converted' a 'heavy' viking sword into a saif with a few minutes at the forge and a bit of grinding. heck i have a hand forged and finished - made to period spec - viking sword, weighs about the same as my shamshir. i suspect in reality he might have wanted to modify the grip more than the blade. arab swords of the period were likely straight double edged anyway.

reminds me of the old movie 'prince valiant' with his huge aluminum singing sword, prince v. had a great accent too! and his lady love would have taught madonna a thing or two about breast augmentation and display.

one must suspend belief and reality a bit for most hollywood films, or you'd go crazy. like an 1803 british cavalry bad guy's sabre in the american revolution film with mel gibson. drove me nuts for a while, but i gave up. especially when they portray yorktown at the end of the al pacino revolution movie, it looks more like new zealand topography than the real thing that i drove thru every day for 3 months to get to the coast guard base for classes.

Last edited by kronckew; 6th January 2016 at 07:56 PM.
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