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Old 27th December 2015, 10:55 PM   #37
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Thank you all for participating, but I'm afraid that I also am too busy, and therefore no time to discuss it deeply furthermore.
But I think it was good discussing this Rumphius suassa text, and maybe in future if somebody finds out more about this, could add it in this thread.
Or maybe friendcollectors here in the forum have some kerisses with suassa to show us here in this thread?

I just want to say that Rumphius arrived in Batavia in 1653, and as far as I can make out of the story, he left there in 1657, so he spent several years on Java.
Also when you look at his work (David posted the link), I can't say this is work for an amateur.
I'm afraid that if you would like to translate, it would not work out as the text is in old style Dutch. And even I, as a Dutchman, am not reading it easily.

Alan, David and Kai thank you for participating, and Loedjoe thank you for alerting us about Rumphius and his suassa findings.
And whatever is the truth, maybe we will find something more lateron to add here.
Anyway it was a remarkable text what Rumphius is writing, and I still have the feeling it will not be unfounded. : )

Best wishes,
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