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Old 27th December 2015, 03:39 PM   #4
Marcus den toom
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Originally Posted by Andi
Hello Marcus
Merry Christmas and congratulations to your new barrel

If you have a possibility to X-ray the barrel, the lead ball should clearly be visible. There you can also determine the volume of the powder load.

Thank you and a happy new year to you That is a great idea, will need to search for someone who could do that for me, maybe the dentist.. though it would be strange to carry this to him.

[QOUTE=Fernando]Hi Marcus,
I see that your beautiful brass barrel doesn't match with the others of your collection.
In case you regret having acquired it, let it come over Portugal and i will take care of its unloading . [/QOUTE]

I know you would surely pay the price for the Brass, but i don't want to burden you with this "corroded" piece.. it would need to be cleaned to bare metal before it would be worth anything, i am sure :P
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