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Old 26th December 2015, 09:30 PM   #30
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Bob, much of that which you have written is beyond dispute, however, in respect of all belief systems hidden knowledge does exist, "hidden knowledge" being that knowledge, interpretation or understanding that is only available to a limited number of people.

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, the Hindu Faith, these are all belief systems, and they are all subject to the concept of "hidden knowledge".

In Jawa and Bali the knowledge that is attached to the keris is also part of a number of belief systems. Within the belief systems attached to the keris some knowledge is limited to certain people. In fact, in Bali until the present time, and in pre-Islamic Jawa, the select knowledge attached to the keris was/is structured into a separate caste, the Pande Caste, and the higher levels of this knowledge was/is only made available to certain persons within that caste.

I do agree that the printed word is limited in its ability to transmit knowledge, information, and most importantly, understanding. However, the Javanese approach to the publication of a published work of any type must be understood within the parameters set by the mores and standards of Javanese society.
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