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Old 23rd December 2015, 08:02 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 135
Default Native North American War Club

Lookinfg for more information on this item although there may be none to be had. I suspect it is a pure tourist item. However it has a little age as my Father bought it home from Canada in 1943 after flight training. He was stationed at Malton, Ontario.

It is a small club totally covered in hide. Stone head covered in hide and secured to the haft with two leather straps which allows for free movement. Remnants of leather fringing, fur and bead-work present.

Weight: 14.8oz (0.42kg)
Length overall: 14'' (35.5cm) Haft: 10.5'' (27cm)
Ball : 3.63'' x 2.78 x 1.73'' x'' (68.6cm) (9.23cm x 7.07cm x 4.4cm)

I would particularly like to know if it is representative of a particular tribe's work or just tourist tat. Is it likely to be any older than the 1940s. Unfortunately I never thought to ask Dad for more info while he was still with us.
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