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Old 21st December 2015, 09:04 PM   #31
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Thanks for your response Pusaka. Do you recall the names of your sources?

I'm asking, because there is a lot of very dubious information available these days, most especially from web sources. We need to not only find the information sought, but also to verify the source. The web has made a lot of things easier, but at the same time more difficult.

That line of descent first appears in Pangeran Wijil's babad "Silsilah Mpu Tanah Jawa".

It does not appear as a strict line of descent, but must be composed from an analysis of the text. Because of this, there are variations in interpretation. The analysis that must be undertaken is not easy and requires strict adherence to analytical principles.

A further difficulty is that this babad is in Hanacaraka, which means that for a long time, translation to a Romanised text, or even to B.I. has been required before the analysis could be undertaken.

There is some disagreement as to which Pangeran Wijil wrote the babad. Some say it was written in Kartosuro before the move to Surakarta, others say it was written at a later date in Surakarta.

The text itself is very probably the foundation upon which the much later works that generated the Surakarta Tangguh System were built.
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