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Old 20th December 2015, 03:25 AM   #9
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 341

Mythology is important because in ancient times they believed that to be real history and even today in Silat schools, even according to the historians of the karaton surakarta the first age of the keris was Empu Ramadi of the Purwacarita kingdom. Official karaton surakata website below

So why is this mythology important? well I believe that image I posted above has been incorrectly identified. To know what it depicts you have to know the mythology.

I believe that image is commemorative and was put there by ancient people in that location because according to mythology it was in that place mount Lawu, the Purwacarita kingdom that the divine Empu Hyang Ramadi forged the first keris at the behest of king Maha Dewa Buda, the Hyang Guru.

The carving at Candi Sukuh on mount Lawu was put there by people who believed this mythology to be history, the smith at the left of the image is the divine Empu Ramadi and the elephant headed figure is the Hyang Guru instructing him to make the keris.
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