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Old 19th December 2015, 05:43 PM   #29
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Thanks all for your kind comments and yesss I have to put something inside!
Hi Kubur!
Been away from the Forum for a while. Too many year end business meetings, shopping, parties, etc. Whew!!
As per your quote above.....No need to go to all that trouble. Just send the Kuburluks to me. I have a variety of pistols that will fit. Save you the trouble. LOL!!!
Seriously, those holsters look great. The Moroccan pattern you don't often see. The Ottoman holster looks to be in super condition. Is that the matching shoulder strap ?
You asked a question earlier about closed vs open muzzle ends on these holsters. The closed ends would offer more weather protection, but would likely be made for a more specific length of barrel. Could be the closed end holsters were made at the same time an order for the the pistols were made, so an exact fit. The open end holsters had the advantage of accepting almost any length of barrel. That's how I view them.

Everyone: Thanks for all the GREAT photos above. Wonderful examples.

I do have a lead for a Kuburluk for a single pistol. I'm going to see if I can secure it for a reasonable price. If I'm successful, I'll post photos here.

Meantime, all I have is my useable replica.
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