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Old 17th December 2015, 02:27 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Pusaka
There are legends in various silat schools about who the first empu was and who he inherited this knowledge from.
Yes Pusaka, they say a lot of things about keris in the various silat schools.
In response to your question i can only repeat the words which Alan has already written in this thread. Islam in Indonesia is not the same as Islam anywhere else in the world. It has assimilated past practices of the people of the region and traditions both animistic and Hindu in nature continue to this day. Yes, the intent and purpose of the keris certainly changed with the influx of Islam. Perhaps mantras changed, perhaps they stayed the same. As has already been pointed out, these mantras are not for you or i to know. However, it seems highly unlikely to me that there is just one correct mantra or only one way to install "life" into a keris blade.
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