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Old 16th December 2015, 02:46 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Pukka Bundook
Yes, the scear is further back on matchlocks, but took it for granted that many of these arms have inlays on the lower buttstock as well, and such could easily cover up the changed trigger position.

I agree, there would have to be a metal cover plate or inlay etc to cover up the slot left in a matchlock conversion. You can barely see some inlay on the miquelet you thought may be a conversion so it could have been a matchlock at one time, unfortunately there are no direct images of this area. At least we know that if someone does have an Ottoman miquelet that is solid wood underneath were the trigger is located that is was not a conversion.

Here is an image of the one with the tin plate that you thought may be a matchlock conversion. I also checked the Ottoman miquelet that I own, it is not a conversion as it is solid wood underneath.
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