Definitely the basis for a good displaying method is when your wife doesn't exist or is tolerant enough to have you exhibiting all your stuff ... or she is under severe bribing.
I qualify for an intermediate position, having a wife that doesn't care much for house decoration, thus allowing me to fill up all spaces available with my things; tops and interior of cabinets ... you name it.
For some swords i use the adjustable steel rack, screwed on the wall; rather practical for when you wish to add or reduce the quantity exhibited. By glueing pieces of square section wood on the hollow stands, you may leave a vent wide enough to keep the blades in facing position. You just have to use some 'hidden' nails when, centering the swords on the stand, the hilt end tends to drop down .. specially during your cats adventures.
For some other swords, like cup hilted ones, i use 'technologic' stands made in acrylic, developed for such purpose, which i order from a spanish antique weapons website.