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Old 7th December 2015, 06:21 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Question: some kuburluk are closed at the base, is it to protect them from the dust?
Kuber, I see a lot of French saddle holsters that are closed at the bottom, the one image I showed, while not an Ottoman style was given to HRH General George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of Cambridge by Abdul Mejid, Sultan of Turkey, following the Crimean War (1854-1856) to express his appreciation of the Duke's services. I am adding a few more examples as well.

Crimean War period Turkish senior officer’s saddle pommel holster. This was originally one of a matching pair that buckled, on either side of the saddle pommel, with a sheepskin cover. As well, could be straped to the cross-belt. Dress-holsters such as these continued to be used, well into the 1908.

Ottoman saddle holsters for flint lock pistols, circa 1840, superbly cast and chased gilt bronze mounts with the high raised relief seal representing the Ottoman Empire, crescent moons and star of David.

Perhaps the ones the enclosed kuberluk are copying this style.
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