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Old 28th November 2015, 03:12 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by kahnjar1
What I have tried to point out is that when a question is asked as to ORIGIN of a piece, what is actually being asked is "Where does this piece COME FROM?" It may be Ottoman, and if it is, what particular country within what was the Ottoman Empire does it come from?............................... Some of the above replies show that some Members are quite happy to have only a vague idea of where their particular pieces originate. I prefer (where possible), to narrow things down to a particular country or region.
Stu, the problem is the lack of accurate information on were exactly many "Ottoman" armor and weapon items were manufactured. Most, if not all of us would be very happy to be able to pinpoint what country our items came from, but what sources can be used for this that are accurate and trustworthy?

Here is an example, this war hammer is in my opinion "Ottoman". How can I verify that, what reference will tell me with any certainty that this was manufactured in the Ottoman empire and what country in the Ottoman Empire it originated from. Right now I would probably describe it as "Indo-Persian" (possibly Ottoman)
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