Thread: Keris
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Old 19th November 2015, 12:04 AM   #10
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

I agree wholeheartedly with David's comments.

In fact, I will go a little bit further.

I was trained and educated in keris belief, tradition and craft by a man who was the ranking empu in the Karaton Surakarta. I was under his instruction for about 15 years.

I also received advice and knowledge from a dear friend who was also an empu in the Karaton Surakarta and who was my friend for more than 40 years.

In the opinion of both these men, and of numerous other people in Jawa who are a part of the Javanese community, and whom I have known over a period that is now close to 50 years, to leave a keris in a state of neglect is not only disrespectful to the keris itself, but also to the maker, and to every other person who has had custody of the keris.

Any person who has a keris in his care has assumed the responsibility to in fact, care for that keris.
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