Thread: Keris
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Old 18th November 2015, 05:40 PM   #2
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Hello GrozaB,

I think that your keris is from East Java or Madura, I count 13 luk. The blade is not a masterpiece of keris forging but the blade isn't ugly in my opinion. You need to take off the handle, I see a fresh crack in the ivory. I would clean the handle with warm water and soap and would give it a longer bath in baby oil, you can prevent by this maybe further cracking of the ivory, the tang (pesi) has maybe corrosion and bring the handle to fracturing. The oversheath (pendok) need to get flatten, you can make yourself a wooden tool for this in form of a oval stick. the pendok is not bad. It is a "good" first keris, I've seen many keris of lesser quality as first collector keris.
Age I would guess around 1900 but the blade could be older.


Last edited by Sajen; 18th November 2015 at 07:38 PM.
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