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Old 11th November 2015, 07:30 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by Robert
Miguel, Thank you for your kind words. This style of dagger can be found all over the world with Spain, france and Mexico being just a few of many countries where it was used. This dagger shows a great amount of Spanish influence in its design no double from the hundreds of years of Spanish occupation. The British commando knife/dagger is just one of many daggers with this styling.

Detlef, Thank you for your kind words as well. I thought that you would like this piece as we so frequently find ourselves bidding on the same items on ebay. I do not believe that Miguel was saying that he thought this dagger was from WWII, but was just comparing the British dagger to it in styling. I believe this dagger to be from the late 19th century. If I am correct in its age it would have been from the right era so as you have suggested it could very possibly be a Katipunan piece as well.

Just thought you may like to see these Spanish knives and a British Commando knife showing the similarity of design. One of the Spanish knives has obviously been made from a socket bayonet. The one having the engraved brass handle and scabbard looks as though the blade is brass when in its scabbard, the scabbard being that thin and such a snug fit.
Trusting they are of interest,
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