Thank you for your input.
I forgot to mention in my original post that I had the Arabic translated. I was told it reads the Arabic equivalent of "George Abraham" (or Ibrahim as its said in Arabic) with unconnected characters. Both pistols are marked with this name in the same location (underside of the grip).
I also forgot to note that nearly every piece of sliver on both pistols is stamped the same as the picture I posted. ( a star, and what I also thought might be the Arabic numeral '80' )
I'm unable to upload addition pictures at this time but I will post some more detailed photographs tomorrow.
If you look closely in the first picture you will notice both pistols have been defaced on the outside of the lock plate. I will get a close-up of this tomorrow.
There is also quite a bit of engraving on top of the barrel I will try to photograph. It is a crescent moon surrounded by stars.