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Old 2nd November 2015, 04:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Hi Estrecht,

I confirm your title, for me your sword is from Bulgaria.
Have you seen this post?
I would say that it's not an Ottoman sword, but a "sabre a l'oriental".
Bulgarians and Polish have been so much in contact with the Ottomans & Tatars that they took their habits and weapons...

Thanks Kuber, a very similar sword, I have seen a few others and always wondered were exactly they originated.

It seems to me that to owners of these very Ottoman like swords were showing an affiliation with the Ottomans, Bulgaria is a good guess as they were under Ottoman control until the 1800s I believe. These swords could have easily been made without the obvious Ottoman symbolism and during that time period anyone seeing these swords most likely have attributed some sort of meaning to the style.
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