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Old 28th October 2015, 02:46 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by RobertGuy
I agree that the 1892 Medical Officer's sword would have had the dumb bell blade form. What set me thinking was the actual hilt style which is more akin to a rifles sword but without the stringed bugle. I was wondering if Medical Officers used that pattern hilt but in gilt brass back in 1822? The Medical Corps as such wasn't formed until 1898 but regimental surgeons and medical staff officers carried infantry pattern swords. Sadly I don't recall ever having seen an attributed Medial Officer's sword from that early .I note from Robson that all ranks in the Army Hospital Corps carried swords with sergeants carrying one with a polished brass infantry hilt and a 29 1/2'' blade.

I need to ask, how long is the blade on your sword?

The blade is 29 inches long. The sword is 34 1/2 inches long. The scabbard is 36 inches long.
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