Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Hi Rick, I see Berkley has provided a very clear illustration of what you have described. Thanks Berkley for clarifying that.
Your comment about long barrels is a slightly different subject. The reason that (most) black powder guns have long barrels is due to the way black powder reacts when ignited. On ignition black powder gradually builds up pressure as it pushes the ball down the barrel. This does not happen with nitro powder which instantly creates the pressure upon ignition.
The other difference is that NITRO powder requires to be COMPRESSED if it is to explode. If not compressed it will only flare up. You can try this for yourself but DO NOT do it inside...... and DO NOT try to ignite black powder in this way!!

Hi Stu.
Well, of course you are correct. The longer barrels gave more time for the powder to burn and build up velocity. Also, the longer barrels often offered a better sight plain.
But this 55.5" barrel is so long, I would probably have to put a dab of white paint on the brass front bead sight just to see it - with my old eyes. LOL!!