Thread: Tilang Kamerau
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Old 16th October 2015, 01:40 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Thanks Amuk.

You are of course correct in that if what I wrote were to be offered as a definitive response to the original question, it would be totally irrelevant and could cause confusion, however, it was not presented as such. Rather I posted the Javanese meanings as an illustration of the relationships between the languages in this part of the world.

Incidentally, I am not an expert in anything, most especially in anything at all associated with mandaus, however, you have raised my interest in the reason why this particular type of mandau is named thus, could you please oblige with an explanation? Thanks.

While I'm asking questions, could you please oblige by telling me what a "manang bali" is. Thanks again.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 16th October 2015 at 03:24 AM. Reason: question
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