Thread: WW2 Sulu Kris
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Old 14th October 2015, 04:49 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Ian
Very true David. But the technique of holding the scabbard with the left hand tightly around it is not recommended--that's a good way to slice your hand if the blade protrudes between the two halves of the wooden sheath. The only thing preventing that is the rattan wrapping, and a sharp blade will go through rattan like a knife through butter.

Ian, i am only referring to the direction of the draw as a method here, not the tight hold on the scabbard with the left hand. I would imaging that was done for the sake of the pose in the photograph. With this "upside down" method the sword is drawn with one smooth motion to bring the blade into a downward strike position.
Here is another much older image of a warrior who uses the same draw, judging by the position of the scabbard in his belt.
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