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Old 9th October 2015, 02:18 AM   #10
Aslan Paladin
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Location: Te Aroha, New Zealand
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Thanks for the continuing inputs gentlemen, you have been validating more of my suspicions and dispelling some of my preconceived notions regarding this sword. When Ian said the sword looks like something from Sumatra it sprang into my mind that the finely carved dragon hilt looks like the type of work that comes from Bali, as shown by Detlef. I also noted that it is quite different from a typical makara due to the absence of an elephant trunk as Nathaniel pointed out. So I search the Internet and found that Bali has this mythological creature known as Barong and one form of this is the Barong Naga (so the barong-type ferrule kinda fits I guess LOL) which has been depicted in Balinese masks and temple statues. Actually I don't really mind if this is a sword from married parts as it looks finely and exquisitely done, not a haphazardly assembled Frankenstein's monster. The pristine state of the carved hilt makes me think it could be later than the rest of the sword but I am thinking (or hoping I should say) the sword could have been assembled not later than the 1930s.

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Last edited by Aslan Paladin; 9th October 2015 at 05:44 AM.
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