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Old 8th October 2015, 06:43 PM   #6
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Hello Aslan Paladin,

first, welcome to the forum. I think that you are on a good path with your observations. The blade seems also to my eyes from the Visayans and from a tenegre, I never have seen such a sword blade from Indonesia. Sorry Ian, kalasan blades look very different.
The ferrule look indeed like one from a barong, that's my first impression as well. And the hilt look indeed like hilts I've seen by Indonesian blades, i.e. from Bali, mostly by newer fittings from spear blades (tombak), see the pictures I've just taken from a tombak handle from my own collection, sorry for the poor quality.
My careful guess is indeed that you have there a sword put together from different parts, if recent from a seller in the western world or locally from a previous owner I can't say.

Best regards,
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