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Old 26th September 2015, 06:52 PM   #17
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Richard.
Well, I didn't take any photos of the last shooting session. But next Spring, I will have videos of shooting sessions done with the various Ethno guns in my collection. I'm thinking of doing two each weekend, and Posting here on the Forum with a YouTube Link. I still need to finish two guns for this. The Albanian Tanchika, and this Torador matchlock. The Tanchika needs a barrel liner, and probably the Torador also.

Meantime, the gunsmith has drilled out the breech plug of the Torador barrel, and it should be on the way back to me. Once I receive it, I'll update my original Thread. Can't wait to get it and take pics. LOL
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