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Old 25th September 2015, 07:39 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by Ian

This is not my field at all. However, your knife does seem very unusual. Ibrahiim has checked out the readily identified sites online, as you probably have, and come up with nothing definitive. These throwing/currency/ritual knives are fascinating. Perhaps the unusual decoration is likely to provide an answer to your question rather than the shape of the blade(s).

There are a few people here with African expertise and someone will likely be able to help you shortly.

Thanks for your comments you may be right with regard to the decoration being the key to identification. There seems to be a wealth of information available on some forms of these weapons but very little on the one I have. I find them fascinating also and really hope that one or more of our Members more knowledgable than me about these things can shed more light on its origin and use.
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